Hazelshould is the love-child of Gerry Porter and his drums.
For nearly 20 years Gerry has been selling on eBay under the handle Hazelshould. After amassing an online reputation for the highest quality vintage and used drums and cymbals Gerry branched out on his own, away from the hustle and bustle of big box stores and online channels. This site is the result of that journey. We do our best to offer videos, sound files, and extensive photos of all of our gear so you can see and hear what you're buying and purchase with the utmost confidence.
We wouldn't take a shot in the dark so why would we ask you to do the same? So enjoy all of our listings culled from Gerry's experience as a working drummer in Los Angeles, Cleveland, and all over these United States on tour. And, check out our museum of the rarest high quality gear Gerry has owned over the years. There's some great stuff in there.
Thank you for stopping by.